
Q: Does this site cost money? Are there any hidden fees?
A: This site is 100% FREE! No fees, charges, so it costs $0!

Q: Is there a maximum size for a file I can send/upload?
A: Up to 500MB per file and can upload as many files as you want.

Q: How many downloads do each file have? And bandwidth?
A: Unlimited downloads and there are no bandwidth limitations.

Q: When will the file be deleted? Is this a permanent hosting?
A: It will expire in 30 days of inactivity.

Q: What type of file extensions can I upload?
A: All file extensions allowed except scripts like cgi, pl, php, asp.

Q: What kind of files are allowed to be uploaded to the site?
A: All files that are legal and not adult material are allowed.

Q: This site is terrific! How can I help your site become better?
A: Start by telling your friends and your relatives about us.

Q: How are you able to offer this for free? Donations?
A: It costs a lot of money so any donations are appreciated.

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